2022 March Equinox


Carol A. Levy

Good day, friends of Leaping Clear.

March 20, the 2022 equinox is near. For the past five years at this time, Leaping Clear editors have been attending to the final preparations to publish the Spring Issue.

Over the past few months, there have been many changes in our editorial team’s circumstances, in the technology we use to publish, and of course, in the world situation. All these conditions have led us to the conclusion that we will no longer publish Leaping Clear. The magazine will remain accessible for the next few months as we arrange for a permanent archive.

We did not make this decision lightly. We discussed the possibilities for continuing. However, each of us has become involved in new artistic, employment, and service projects.

We send deepest thanks to Leaping Clear’s many talented and dedicated artist-contemplative contributors. Your generosity in sharing your beautiful, powerful, playful, and provocative work has inspired us and encouraged our own artistic work and contemplative practices.

It has also inspired Leaping Clear’s world-wide audience. Our deepest thanks to them for their comments, encouragement, and their donations.

Finally, we thank Leaping Clear’s Advisory and nonprofit Boards for supporting this endeavor with great enthusiasm at the beginning and for their contributions throughout publication.

We will miss the joy of working together on Leaping Clear’s platform for every one of you. We trust that you will continue to seek and find the balance of light and dark in works of beauty and truth, and in contemplation of our deepest human aspirations for peace and harmony. We send our warmest good wishes to everyone.

The Leaping Clear Team